Can I Assume the Mortgage on the Marital...

Friday, Jan 5th 2024 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

Rising interest rates, coupled with the fact that almost everyone either bought or refinanced their homes at historically low interest rates, are adding another layer of complexity for...

Complications With Dividing 401(k) Plans...

Friday, Nov 17th 2023 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

Often, a spouse’s retirement plan account must be divided in divorce. Pensions are much more complicated to divide, and that is a subject for another article. 401(k) type plans are...

FERS Supplement and Division in Divorce

Friday, Sep 15th 2023 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

Federal employees earn a pension under the Federal Employee Retirement System, or FERS. Under FERS, an employee vests after 5 years of service. Federal employees are required to...

Owning The Home Jointly After Divorce

Friday, Aug 18th 2023 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

With the rise in interest rates, I am finding more and more couples I work with simply cannot afford to refinance their mortgages and lose the low interest rates that they now have. ...

9 Secrets of a Child-Centered Divorce &...

Friday, Jul 14th 2023 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

I’m lucky enough to have a client base that in almost all cases puts their children first. However, that does not mean co-parenting comes naturally! I asked a co-parenting expert,...

8-Keys For Co-Parenting Success After Divorce

Friday, Jun 23rd 2023 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce

I’m lucky enough to have a client base that in almost all cases puts their children first. However, that does not mean co-parenting comes naturally! I asked a co-parenting expert,...