Why Financial Advocacy in Divorce Is...
Friday, Nov 5th 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
The majority of my practice is helping couples who have been in very long-term marriages divide their marital estate. Most have grown kids so there are no issues of child support or...
Beware of Tax Consequences When Moving...
Friday, Oct 22nd 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
When couples are divorcing and they own a home and also a rental property, often what happens is that one spouse moves into the rental property. Seems like a good plan, right? In...
Real Estate Taxes and Mortgage Interest...
Friday, Sep 10th 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
Splitting the marital residence in divorce requires more thought than who will ultimately get the house and how the equity will be split. Often, real estate taxes and the deductions...
Preparing and Paying for QDROS in Divorce
Friday, Aug 27th 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
When an employer offers a 401(k) plan, along with that goes the long list of responsibilities and liability risks. This duty is often outsourced to a third-party plan administrator. As...
Can I Keep the Jewelry My Husband Gave Me...
Friday, Aug 20th 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
Socially, I have often heard women talk about the jewelry they received from their husband and noticed it seems to be assumed that they get to keep it if they get a divorce. North...
CSRS vs. FERS vs. Social Security in Divorce
Friday, Jul 30th 2021 | Mary Salisbury | Divorce
Federal employees are entitled to a pension under one of two retirement systems; either CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System) or FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System). CSRS is a...